Monday, February 28, 2011


WHERE oh WHERE does TIME go????

Dear Time,
Would you mind slowing down? I don't want you to stop, I would just really appreciate it if you could stop passing by so FAST. You make it really difficult for me to engrave each passing moment into my memory. I know you have never changed for anyone else, but I am asking you for this very special favor. Thank you SO MUCH.
A wife of an AMAZING husband
A mother of 3 WONDERFUL boys

Looking at these pictures makes me smile and choke up all at once.
Where has the time gone and why can't I stop asking myself that
day after day, month after month, year after year?
These little dudes are
-I know they are still so little-
I feel like they are growing up

Brandon and I
This was taken about 4 or 5 months after we got married
July 04

Brandon and the boys
I think Harper was JUST born
March 09

Brandon and Harper
March 09

Linford at Lake Powell
July 08

June 09

2 days old
March 09

2 months

20 months

few days old

5 months
4 months

19 months

18 months

18 months

7 months

18 months

The Three Musketeers
Hewitt 3, Harper 3 months, Linford 20 months

Hewitt (3) holding Harper(1 day old) at the hospital
Linford (17months) in the background

Sunday, February 27, 2011



We were able to visit Brandons family in Idaho Falls
when he FINALLY returned home from OKC
It was so amazing to see everyone after so long
The kids had the time of their lives playing non-stop with cousins

Linford and McKay
these two are hilarious together
full of giggles and laughs

The kids love to cuddle up with Brandon in the morning

Me and Linny

Linford eating powdered donuts at grandma and grandpas house

Tub time
Linford said, "look mom, I look just like daddy!"
this was when Brandon was growing his beard

Harper and Ryker at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Hewitt, Ryker and Linford

Harper swinging

Close up


Harper going down the slide


Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Park

We LOVE going to the park
I love watching my kids
most of the time I end up having to
help and assist
but I love seeing my kids use their imaginations
and play so hard

Again, I didn't have my camera so this is courtesy of my phone
Hewitt's BEST BUDDY Aiden, Hewitt, Linford and Harper

Aiden, Hewitt, Linford and Harper

When I was little my dad was famous for
well guess what....
now "I" am famous for them
and its not the greatest honor
I was literally running from end to end to
keep these kiddos happy
"Can I have an under-dog, can I have an under-dog?!?"

Harper, Linford, Aiden and Hewitt

These two are the best of friends...we sure miss you Aiden!

Harper feeding the ducks


We also went to the park with
my bestie Aiona and her kids too
2 of our kids are the exact same ages
and its so fun for us to get together as always
and to let them play

Linford, Piers, Harper, Hewitt and Simon

Pumpkin Patch and Thanksgiving point

I always love taking my kids to the pumpkin patch during Halloween time
There is one just down the hill from my parents house
and its so much fun

I didn't have my camera so I only got a few pictures with my phone

Hewitt and Linford

The Three Musketeers

Thanksgiving Point Farm is a MUST
We love this place

McCartney and Harper

Hewitt and Linford

Back Track

Back Track
So I might be doing a little back-tracking
I found some pictures that I forgot about...
So when we came home from OKC this last summer I had
to come without my husband
(which I don't know how people go without their husbands for long periods of time,
It was so hard)
I was determined and considered myself
quite capable to drive the truck
with 3 little ones in the back seat
for 21 hours across a few states...
no biggie right?
Well my mom and dad were
and they were also determined
that they were going to come and accompany me
Well they won
how can you turn down help with 3 kids on a long drive like that?
So my mom flew down and drove back to Utah with me
Needless to say
I am very glad and thankful she was there
Although my kids are complete ANGELS
when we travel
They don't cry, they don't fight, its like a spell is cast over them
Its not like that ALL the time
Just when we travel LONG distances
I am truly BLESSED

Here are some of the pictures of our trip home
and some right after we arrived

In the hotel after driving 11 hours the first day


Excited to be at Grammy's

My mom went and got sand in her sand box as soon as we arrived
Finally there

Me and the boys

Hewitt though he was so cool in his "hunting" jacket

He looks just like his dad

Our Famiily

Our Famiily


Hewitt is our SMART litte 4 year old. He listens and does everything I tell him to. He is the BEST big brother and my big helper too.

Linny Binny

Linny Binny
This little dude keeps us laughing all the time. He just barely turned 2 and He is so sweet and getting so big.


Harper is 7 months old. Easiest baby yet and crawls everywhere and stands up on his own too!


Our BIG Wonderful Doggy. He will be turning 4 in October! We love ya Buddy!

McBride Family

McBride Family
20 grandchildren and 1 on the way! 14 boys and 7 girls.

Brandon and I with Harper at 4 months

Brandon and I with Harper at 4 months

Linford Family

Linford Family
7 grandchildren, soon to be 8! 3 girls and 5 boys