Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Today was a good day.
The first thing I heard this morning was,
"Happy Mower's Day!!!"
from my little 2 year old Linford.
What a great start to my day.
I love being a mom and sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with all the amazing emotions and feelings that come with my wonderful duty here on earth.
My kids are amazing.
I can't describe the feelings I feel for them.
How can life ever go wrong when you have what I have?
I can't forget my Husband either.
I feel like I am who I am because of my amazing husband.
He is incredible and I am so glad we have such an amazing relationship.
I have been thinking that so much lately.
I am just so thankful for him and for my handsome boys.
I love being a mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Allie Linford said...

You guys all look so good. I can't believe how mature Hewitt Looks, so darn cute.

Whitney said...

Cute picture! You are a great mom Ash! Love ya...

frenchessential said...

What a beautiful family---you guys are looking amazing! You are such an awesome mother,wife, and friend. I am so grateful for you!

Alisa said...

Your blog is making me extremly jealous!!! You look so tan and I dream about the swimming pool! Why do I live in Utah its been raining all day!

Leah said...

Hey it's JD's wife, Leah! And I'm stalking you now ;) I'm excited to get out there and actually have someone with kids the same age as mine! They will have so much fun together. I will actually be visiting in a few weeks and then I'll be out there for good the beg. of July... we'll have to get together when I come. Come find me poolside!! :)
Oh yeah, your boys are ADORABLE!!! Seriously GAP babies!

Jen and Lance said...

Ashley, first of all, your comment made my whole year! That was so nice of you to say all of that. It meant the world to me. Really. Second of all, look at your incredible family! You guys are darling! Your oldest folding his arms in the front is the greatest! You look incredibly beautiful. Lets get together soon, even if its hanging out with all your boys. I would love it.

Mendy said...

You have some of the cutest boys ever.....Look at him posing with his arms folded how cute!!!! There really isn't anything better than being a mom!!!

Our Famiily

Our Famiily


Hewitt is our SMART litte 4 year old. He listens and does everything I tell him to. He is the BEST big brother and my big helper too.

Linny Binny

Linny Binny
This little dude keeps us laughing all the time. He just barely turned 2 and He is so sweet and getting so big.


Harper is 7 months old. Easiest baby yet and crawls everywhere and stands up on his own too!


Our BIG Wonderful Doggy. He will be turning 4 in October! We love ya Buddy!

McBride Family

McBride Family
20 grandchildren and 1 on the way! 14 boys and 7 girls.

Brandon and I with Harper at 4 months

Brandon and I with Harper at 4 months

Linford Family

Linford Family
7 grandchildren, soon to be 8! 3 girls and 5 boys