SOOOO many things have happened this summer...
*We moved to Mesa (and love it)
*All 3 kids learned how to swim on their own
*Trip to Idaho
*Hewitt turned 6
*Hewitt started kindergarten
*Grammy and Popps decided to move to AZ
Things to COME...
*Baby #4 is scheduled to arrive in 2 weeks
(but I have a hunch he might come a few days early)
*Linfords 4th Birthday
Brandon and Harper at the Mesa Temple
Our family at the temple

Saying good-bye to Kegan before he leaves to the Phillipines

Me and the boys enjoying the cool Idaho weather

Love my kiddos

Linford being silly

Cousin McKay, Hewitt and Linford flexing their HUGE muscles

Meeting up with Macko and Andi and meeting their new baby sister Pheobe

Hewitt's first day of school

Can't believe he is 6!!!
Birthday Presents
Hewitt was such a trooper
We had to move on his birthday
Hewitt is one of the sweetest, most passionate kids I have ever met,
not to mention very very smart.
Love him, can't believe he is 6.

4th of July
We spent the 4th with My Aunt Kris and my cousins. We had so much fun swimming and doing fireworks. These are my festive homemade oreo's that me and Linford made.
Linford is actually a really big help in the kitchen. He actually helps when he's in the kitchen with me. He always tells me he wants to be a chef.

Swimming has been such a MAJOR part of our lives this summer.
We swim atleast once a day 5 days a week.

Harper is our little fish.
Its a little scary at times how confident he is.
He recently taught himself how to swim and
it is the cutest, most impressive, funny thing to watch.
I get comments on him from mulitple people everytime we are at the pool.
"WOW, how old is he?"
"He's quite the dare devil isn't he?"
"He's only 2?!?!"
He LOVES the water.
Movies on Monsoon days

Movie nights on the weekends.
My friend does this with her kids and my kids think it is the COOLEST thing ever.

Love my kids.
Love the Summer.