I am a crier
I have always shown emotion very easily
sad, mad, happy...
I don't hide my emotions very well
If I feel them, you will see them
When I am pregnant, I CRY ALOT
Not because I am sad, mad or happy
Its because EVERYTHING I feel is MAGNIFIED
Every thought is put under a telescope and I immediately FEEL it so strong
I know that this is a result of pregnancy
It HAS to be
Not JUST the hormones but I think every time I am pregnant I start analyzing life
I start to think about priorities, family, friends, motherhood, LIFE
AND somehow everything I hear and see pertains to these parts of LIFE
I find myself crying about commercials, songs, books, pictures, home-videos, jokes, even sometimes just seeing a cute family at a park, my kids saying sweet things to eachother or to me, hearing other peoples problems, others happy stories.
I could probably start a sob-fest just "thinking" of these moments.
I used to just pass it off as a side effect to pregnancy. A hormone thing. BUT I am on my 4th child and I am beginning to think its more than that. I think its something we are meant to experience as part of motherhood. I think its so neat that I can feel so much and so deep. Even if the things I cry about seem minuscule. I know you don't have to CRY to FEEL something deep....Its just a way that I MYSELF "feel" and feel deeply.
Its a BIG part of my daily life lately so I thought I would share
I would post a picture of myself crying but I thought I would save myself the embarrassment.